Eagle Mountain Casino Resort

For Immediate Release
Matthew Mingrone

Eagle Mountain Casino provides safe, reliable and comfortable bus service from Bakersfield, Shafter Wasco, Delano, Lindsay, Exeter and Visalia. Eagle Mountain Casino, Porterville: Hours, Address, Eagle Mountain Casino Reviews: 3.5/5. A round at one of three championship courses: We-Ko-Pa, SunRidge Canyon or Eagle Mountain. We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort. 10438 WeKoPa Way Fort McDowell, AZ 85264. The Tribe and the Eagle Mountain Casino are excited to be able to move forward with obtaining financing to construct the casino and resort, which will bring approximately 400 construction jobs and 300 or more full time and part time casino operation jobs, which will result in positive economic growth for the City of Porterville and County of Tulare. Eagle Mountain Casino is currently located 15 miles from Perterville on reservation land off Highway 190. The Tule River Indians plan to relocate the casino to tribal property near the Porterville Airport. Casino. Live Dealer. Poker. Sports #1 Choice of U.S.

Tule River Tribe Receives Governor’s Final Approval for Eagle Mountain Casino Relocation

Tule River Reservation, Porterville, Ca 93257 – California Governor, Gavin Newsom today officially concurred with the October 7, 2019 U.S. Department of Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (DOI/BIA) favorable “two-part” determination on the Tule River Tribe’s proposed gaming project in Porterville, California. Governor Newsome’s concurrence allows the Tule River Tribe to move forward with its application to transfer its already owned 40-acre property in Porterville, off of Hwy 65, (Relocation Project Site) into trust for the location of the new hotel and casino, which will operate class III gaming on the Relocation Project Site, per the approved compact.

The Governor’s concurrence and compact (along with the State Legislature’s ratification) are the final approvals needed to authorize the relocation of the Eagle Mountain Casino to the Relocation Project Site. “These recent approvals represent the culmination of decades of hard work and perseverance and we are pleased that the Governor recognized the substantial benefits of the project for the community.” noted Tule River Council Chairman, Neil Peyron.

The issuance of these approvals marks the end of a 20-year journey to bring the Relocation Project Site into trust, which has been widely supported by the community and local governments alike. “We appreciate all of the support we have received and are proud of our rewarding partnerships with the City of Porterville, Tulare County and the State of California – each of whom were critical in making the relocation project a reality.” continues Peyron.

Eagle Mountain Casino Resort Atlantic City

The Tribe and the Eagle Mountain Casino are excited to be able to move forward with obtaining financing to construct the casino and resort, which will bring approximately 400 construction jobs and 300 or more full time and part time casino operation jobs, which will result in positive economic growth for the City of Porterville and County of Tulare. The Tribe has also entered into intergovernmental agreements with the City of Porterville and Tulare County to address any impacts of the Relocation Project and to provide funding for various governmental services. “We look forward to what the future holds for our tribe and the surrounding communities.” shared Peyron.

Eagle Mountain Casino Resort Reservations

The Tule River reservation was established in 1873 in Porterville, Ca. Tribal enrollment is just over 1900 and the reservation spans approximately 55,356 acres. The Tule River Yokut Tribe operates the Tule River Health Center, Justice Center, and many tribal services within the reservation. The tribe also owns and operates gas stations, restaurants, and other entities under the TREDC (Tule River Economic Development Corporation).

Eagle mountain casino resort

For more information, please contact Casino General Manager, Matthew Mingrone at (559)788-1891 or matthew.mingrone@eaglemtncasino.com

A Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / Tribal Environmental Impact Report (TEIR) has been prepared to analyze the potential environmental consequences of the Tule River Tribe’s (Tribe) application for a proposed 40-acre fee-to-trust transfer and casino relocation project in incorporated City of Porterville, Tulare County, California approximately 15 miles west of the Tule River Tribe Reservation. The proposed trust property includes 17 parcels, bound by West Street on the west, an off-highway vehicle park (OHV) owned by the City of Porterville to the north and east, and a photovoltaic power station (solar farm) to the south. The Assessor’s parcel numbers (APNs) for the property are 302-400-001 through 302-400-017. The proposed casino resort would include an approximately 105,000 square foot casino, an approximately 250-room hotel, approximately 36,000 square feet of food and beverage facilities, administrative space, a multi-purpose events center, a conference center, and associated parking and infrastructure. The new casino resort would replace the Tribe’s existing casino, and the existing casino buildings would be converted to tribal government or service uses.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is the federal agency that is charged with reviewing and approving tribal applications to take land into federal trust status and is Lead Agency for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Tribe expects to enter into a new Class III gaming compact with the State of California for the relocated casino. Based on the requirements of other recent Tribal-State gaming compacts in California, it is expected that the Tribal-State gaming compact will require the Tribe to serve as Lead Agency in the preparation a Tribal Environmental Impact Report (TEIR) to analyze the potential off-reservation environmental impacts of the proposed casino resort. To eliminate redundancy and reduce paperwork, the EIS and TEIR have been prepared in coordination, resulting in a joint EIS/TEIR.

The BIA issued a Notice of Intent on December 30, 2016 which opened a 30-day public scoping period to identify potential issues, concerns, and alternatives to be considered in the EIS. The scoping period ended on January 30, 2017. A public scoping meeting was held on January 23, 2017 at the Porterville Veterans Memorial Building, 1900 W Olive Ave, Porterville, California 93257. A Scoping Report is available which describes the EIS process, explains the purpose and need for the Proposed Action, describes the Proposed Project and alternatives, and summarizes the issues identified during the scoping process. Appendices to the Scoping Report include all comment letters received by the BIA and the public hearing transcript.

Eagle Mountain Casino Resort Monticello

A Notice of Availability for the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register on September 21, 2018. Comments on the Draft EIS or Draft Conformity Determination were due on November 5, 2018, which was the final day of the 45-day comment period.

The Notice of Availability of the Final EIS was published in the Federal Register and in the Porterville Recorder on May 31, 2019. The Final Conformity Determination was also issued on May 31, 2019. The 30-day waiting period ended on July 1, 2019.

Eagle mountain casino resort &

On October 7, 2019, the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs signed a Record of Decision (ROD) and issued a Secretarial Determination of gaming eligibility pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act for the 40-acre Airpark Site.

For Further Information Contact: Chad Broussard, Environmental Protection Specialist, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Pacific Regional Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W–2820, Sacramento, California 95825; telephone: (916) 978–6165; e-mail: chad.broussard@bia.gov.